580 Café
The 580 Café is a place for students to engage in activism, and creativity through collective learning, dialogue, and relaxation. The group has daily and weekly activities led by students daily and weekly social gatherings, such as lunch on the patio, healing music and wellness presentations, mentorship program, and they also offer a shared food cupboard.
General Info
- Time
- Times vary. Please see resource website for more information.
- Location
- On Campus 580 Hilgard Ave
- Who
- Undergraduate Graduate & Professional
Contact Info
- Website
- https://www.wfsucla.org/
- Phone
- (310) 909-4471
- wfsucla@gmail.com
- Read about Everything 580 Café has to offer.
- Join Tuesday and Thursday lunches from 11:30am-1pm for delicious food.
- Attend Monday Markets from 10am-3pm for free, fresh, local produce, or stop by the food cupboard for snacks to take home.
- Attend meditation, music, movement, or art sessions to tend to your overall well-being.
- Take part in the THRIVE professional mentorship program that matches students with a professional in their intended career of choice to help with leadership, networking, and personal growth.