College Library Instructional Computing Commons (CLICC)
The UCLA Campus Library Instructional Computing Commons (CLICC) provides technology services and shared equipment loans to UCLA students, staff and faculty in support of learning and research activities at seven Library locations across campus.
General Info
- Time
- Times vary. Please see resource website for more information.
- Location
- Online On Campus Powell Library & Young Research Library
- Who
- Undergraduate Graduate & Professional Faculty & Staff
Contact Info
- Website
- https://www.library.ucla.edu/clicc
- Phone
- (310) 825-7557
- CLICC Equipment Lending - Rent education technology (e.g., laptop, phone cables, calculators, etc). to support your learning and research activities
- CLICC Study Rooms & Collaboration Pods - You can book group study rooms in Powell and YRl and collaboration pods in YRL via self-service reservation.
- CLICC Classrooms- You can reserve a CLICC regular classroom or attend drop-in study hours in certain CLICC classrooms in Powell Library.
- CLICC Virtual Desktop - As a UCLA student, staff, or faculty member, you can access a virtual CLICC Windows Desktop with preloaded CLICC software.
- CLICC Lab - Come to the CLICC Lab for drop-in study. It has Internet via eduroam WiFi, power for students devices, and printing.
- Contact CLICC - Learn about how to get help from CLICC, account problems, and how to ask a question.
- Find hours for the CLICC Computer Lab here.