Community Programs Office (CPO)
The CPO strives to increase students from underserved communities' access to higher education, retention in the university, and graduation rates while also serving as a conscious effort in the community, working toward the empowerment of all people.
General Info
- Time
- Times vary. Please see resource website for more information.
- Location
- On Campus Student Activities Center 220 Westwood Plaza, Suite 105
- Who
- Undergraduate Graduate & Professional
Contact Info
- Website
- https://cpo.ucla.edu/
- Phone
- 310-825-5969
- support@cpo.ucla.edu
- Fill out the appropriate Request Forms for your CPO needs.
- The CPO Food Closet provides free food for any UCLA student who may be experiencing hunger and/or struggling to attain food due to financial hardships.
- Food closet donation accepts stock and checks as donations.
- Discover CPO Student Jobs and Opportunities.
- Please contact the UCLA Community Programs Front Desk for general inquiries or email at support@cpo.ucla.edu.