Title IX Office / Sexual Violence Prevention
The Title IX office is responsible for UCLA’s compliance with Title IX, including the policies and procedures to prevent and respond to gender discrimination, sexual harassment, and sexual violence. The Title IX Office is the designated office to investigate such claims filed against any member of the campus community.
General Info
- Time
- Times vary. Please see resource website for more information.
- Location
- Online On Campus 2255 Murphy Hall
- Who
- Undergraduate Graduate & Professional Faculty & Staff
Contact Info
- Website
- https://sexualharassment.ucla.edu/
- Phone
- (310) 206-3417
- titleix@equity.ucla.edu
The Title IX Office receives reports of gender discrimination, including allegations of sexual harassment and sexual violence.
- Reporting - Report an incident of sexual violence, sexual harassment, discrimination, and discriminatory harassment here.
- Complainant Resources - Find resources for student, faculty, and staff complainants, such as CARE, CAPS, and UCLA Sexual Violence brochure, here. This link also provides a list of non-confidential support services.
- Report a UC incident of harassment and dicrimination here.
- Respondent Resources - Find a list of confidential and non-confidential resources for student, faculty, and staff respondents.
- Respondent Services provide a safe and supporting listening space for respondents. You can schedule a consultation here. You can also contact Respondent Services by phone at 424-322-0251 or email at respondents@ucla.edu.
- Off Campus Resources - Find a list of off campus community and government resources here.
- Student Conduct Code - Find information about the Student Conduct Code, Process, and answers to commonly asked questions here. If you would like another party to be present at any meeting regarding your case during the Student Conduct Process, please fill out the Confidentiality Waiver. If you would like a copy of your file please fill out the Request for Copy of Disciplinary File.